Saturday, October 9, 2010

craft night on

so the ladies and i had our first official craft night again.

what did i do?

- re-upholstered a stool with the help of casey and her handy dandy staple gun
- played with a most adoreable baby
- made something really cool that is in its intial phases. i will share it in time but let's just say i love how excited i feel...i love a new crafty project! eek!

now off shopping! micheals here i come!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

it's a wrap!

finally finished the canoe trip. countless spreads that made me decide that i needed a scrapbook devoted solely to hiking (camping/canoeing/being out in nature more than 1 day without running water) album. it was a great trip but glad to move onto other spreads! :) sorry for the grainy quality pics again...i really am not great at taking pics of spreads...should really just scan them...
